When the battery of your car is disconnected your radio is locked.
With this application you can unlock your radio.
This application is compatible with m-series Ford radios.
- Remove the radio or CD player from the dashboard.
- The Precode can be found on a label located on the casing.
- Enter the precode and push the "Get Code" Button.
- Enter the code to unlock your radio or CD player.
Serial Number must be started with M.
Compatible with: 3000, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 6006, 7000 and 9006.
Aracınızın akü bağlantısı kesildiğinde Radyo kilitlenir.
Bu uygulama ile Telsizini kilidini açabilir.
Bu uygulama m serisi Ford radyolar ile uyumludur.
- gösterge tablosundan radyo veya CD çalar çıkarın.
- Precode muhafazası üzerinde bulunan etikette bulunabilir.
- precode girip "Kodu Al" düğmesi itin.
- Telsizine veya CD çalar kilidini kodu girin.
Seri Numarası M ile başlatılmalıdır
3000, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 6006, 7000 ve 9006: ile uyumludur.
When the battery of your car is disconnected your radio is locked.
With this application you can unlock your radio.
This application is compatible with m-series Ford radios.
- Remove the radio or CD player from the dashboard.
- The Precode can be found on a label located on the casing.
- Enter the precode and push the "Get Code" Button.
- Enter the code to unlock your radio or CD player.
Serial Number must be started with M.
Compatible with: 3000, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 6006, 7000 and 9006.